3.1. Data TypesΒΆ

There are six distinct data types in tesseract:

  • null
  • boolean
  • number
  • string
  • array
  • object

To allow tesseract to be more confomitive to the SQL standard it uses the same meaning for the value of null. In short, all operations using the value null will also return null:

SELECT null = null

An important note is that when an object does not contain a key the value for that key is assumed to be null and all the normal rules apply to it.

Booleans have a value of true or false and tesseract sees each as a distinct value, different from any other truthy or falsy value like in most other scripting languages:

SELECT 0 = false

Numbers are both integers and floating-point values. Strings that represent numbers do not mean the same thing:

SELECT "123" = 123